🗣️Class D

Originally thought to have been named such because "D stands for Disposable", Class D personnel are one of the longest-running and oft-times most controversial traditions. When first conceived, Class D personnel were suggested to be killed off at the end of every month; this is highly implausible when the sheer number of Class D personnel used by the Foundation is considered as there aren't enough death-row inmates worldwide to support this kind of waste of human life.

Since then, many people have taken to believe that the policy of mandatory monthly termination is disinformation meant to reduce any sort of emotional attachment between research personnel and Class Ds; many people believe that Class D personnel are simply mind-wiped at the end of every month and transferred elsewhere. The new model goes even further, suggesting that while amnestics are regularly used, Class D personnel are only killed off if they are no longer healthy or sane enough to perform work (or if they have become contaminated by anomalous phenomena). Some interpretations believe in even more fantastic explanations, such as the use of cloning or even anomalous means in maintaining a Class D population. It is entirely up to you, what you choose to believe or use as argument, both versions can exist and since those who really know this information will no longer be able to share it...

Protocol 12 is a rarely mentioned operational guideline that states that if the Foundation absolutely requires it, individuals that normally aren't eligible for induction as Class D personnel may be obtained. It goes without saying that excessive mention of Protocol 12 is detrimental to the overarching Foundation narrative; the Foundation may go to extreme lengths and cross some very gray lines to protect humanity, but they do not needlessly waste human life — especially innocent life.

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